largest producer of coffee in the world

The country also has special coffee areas like Alta Mogiana and Campo das Vertentes, known for their unique flavors6. Indonesia is fourth, making over 668,677 metric tons of coffee3. Interestingly, undiscovered indigenous varieties still grow in forests here.

  1. A large quantity of coffee exported from Ecuador goes to Colombia to be made into instant coffee.
  2. With 63 national parks across 30 states and two territories, there is something for everyone.
  3. All coffee produced in the Ivory Coast is of the inferior robusta variety.
  4. Uganda is also known as one of the world’s major Robusta coffee producers while also growing some Arabica in high areas.
  5. Costa Rica has a rich history steeped in coffee farming and production, which is also essential to their economy.

The Challenges Faced by Countries That Produce Coffee Beans

Semi-washed coffees have well-balanced flavor profiles with some of the syrupy body from natural drying along with the clean fruit notes achieved through the washing stage. It is an efficient compromise method that utilizes the advantages of both natural and washed processing. Semi-washed processing is a hybrid method commonly used in Brazil. With semi-washed processing, ripe coffee cherries are pulped but only partially remove the mucilage surrounding the bean. The beans are then dried with some mucilage still attached before being milled and exported. The outer skin and fruit flesh slowly dry and shrink around the bean over a period of weeks.

largest producer of coffee in the world

What is the significance of Ethiopia in the coffee industry?

Until recently it was second only to Brazil when ranking the biggest coffee producers in the world. Notably, over the last 10 years, coffee’s contribution to the country’s agricultural GDP has fallen by nearly two-thirds. I fell in love with coffee in my early teens, and as a former barista I worked with coffee beans from the biggest coffee producers in the world. From experience, I can tell you that your daily cup is nothing short of a miracle. Peru is another South American country that produces some of the best coffee beans in the world, with most of it coming from the Cajamarca region.

Coffee production worldwide in 2020, by leading country (in 1,000 60 kilogram bags)*

The country produces 82,500 metric tons (182,000,000 pounds) of coffee, making up 0.8% of the globe’s coffee. The Ivory Coast (or Côte d’Ivoire) comes in at fifteenth place and is probably another surprise to coffee drinkers as it’s known as the world’s largest producer of cocoa. The Ivory Coast produces 108,000 metric tons (238,000,000 pounds) of coffee. The world’s coffee drinkers can count on Brazil remaining the heavyweight coffee producer keeping their daily caffeine fixes flowing. And, along with that – the quality of the coffee beans produced in China has also risen significantly. Still, the robusta beans grown in Vietnam account for around 20% of the coffee consumed around the world.

The main growing regions for arabica are on the eastern side of Brazil running from Fortaleza in the north, down to its border with Uruguay in the south. The main production of robusta is in the state of Rondônia at the border with northern Bolivia. Decades of coffee monoculture plantations have exhausted the soil in Brazil’s coffee growing regions.

This dispute allowed rich Europeans to buy huge tracts of land to grow coffee on. ”, it’s unlikely that India is the first place to pop into your head. If anything, tea or the insanely delicious chai would be the more obvious front-runners for Indian hot drinks. The first dated mention of coffee produced in Honduras is from 1804. So, coffee must have arrived in the late 18th century as it takes a few years to get a crop. Coffee has been harvested from the wild for thousands of years in Ethiopia.

The increase in global demand for coffee drives Honduras’ largest producer of coffee in the world production18. The Vietnamese coffee industry has grown fast, making Vietnam a top coffee producer8. With its many coffee-growing areas, skilled farmers, and focus on quality, Vietnam is set to keep growing in the coffee world.

There are also coffee plantations and “garden” coffees that are grown in individual homesteads. Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world by a long shot and has been for over 150 years. The coffee tree is a tropical, evergreen shrub (genus Coffea) that grows between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. This area between the tropics is commonly referred to as “The Coffee Belt” with almost all coffee production worldwide taking place here. Below is a table showing national coffee production figures for 2022 along with production trends for each country between 2018 and 2022. They are among the world’s rarest homegrown beans and are of a much higher quality than other variations of the bean grown in other parts of the world.